Friday, June 26, 2009

A Voice

I was at a Mariner Game yesterday and had an experience that will stick with me for awhile.
As i was selling tickets to the game out front of the stadium a homeless man walked up to me.
He wanted to write me a poem using the letters from my name.  I said no more out of reaction and then the profound happened.
He tipped his head down and said in a different tone, quieter voice, humble broken tired, "Can you help a brother out".  
As we passed immediately my mind went to, "Now there is a desperate voice"  My heart broke for the man.  I stood there for a few seconds and just watched him.  He did that walk that the homeless do aimless but looking for the next victim.  
By the time i reached him he already started to talk with someone else.  Not wanting anything from him i gave him some money and tried to walk away.  He insisted on writing a poem for me.  What got me most was that Desperation has a sound a Voice a soul attached to it.  This man's desperation obvious a need for food, water and relationship.  He seemed excited to write for me and in the moment when he read his poem to me completely unaware of his desperation.  Are you aware of yours?  Do you see your need? 
His Poem; 
Embrace of a noble existence who 
Rest his heart upon the shoulder of 
Inner peace to 
Kneel at the feet of a glorious act. 

Thursday, June 25, 2009

A Place for more of Us

Desperation is part of a Man's existence weather we know it or not. With that, I have talked with a couple of close friends and a decision was made to include many voices on this site.  If you have a story of Desperation email me and it will get posted.  
What i want is true honest feelings, thoughts and experiences even if it bearing your soul.  Submit under another name if you like.
This could be therapy for some or just a good way to unload insecurities. Let's see what happens.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Beginning

We all come to a point in our life where we need God to come through for us. No matter the situation He has to show up or we are left to our own thoughts within our mind.  Usually that is not the greatest of space for desperate people.
Yet we have no other option but to trust that He will come through and somehow save us from our present state. May it be financial, relational or some physical condition that we need him to do something.  
Desperation can make us attempt or at least contemplate ideas that have never crossed our mind.
It may shape our future personality to become what we are not or what we may fear most.  
If you take a story of a young man madly in love with a beautify girl who is whole heartedly deeply in love with the boy.  Her only issue is the fact the young man can't articulate the feelings, emotions of his heart and mind.  She has to decides to end the relationship needing more feedback.   The young desperate man has a choice to learn how to verbalize his inner thoughts and feelings or be left empty handed. His desperation must drive him to change or learn.  
A simple example of how desperation will bring people to change.  
I hope to explore how my personal desperation leads me to change, learning and overall trust that God will come through for me.